After a couple of years of absence due to the pandemic, it was finally time to welcome three- and four graders from Ölmestadskolan in Reftele.
Ylva Carlson, HR Manager at ESBE, would you like to tell us about the visit?
“I’d love to! I would like to start by saying that we have really longed for this type of meeting! It’s something very special to welcome pupils to us. Partly because we want to show how many different jobs and career opportunities there are in one and the same company. With us at ESBE, for example, there are more than 40 different professional roles represented. But also because we love to be challenged by young people. They sometimes ask the most unexpected, but GOOD, questions.”
What did the pupils do when they visited ESBE?
“Representatives from us at ESBE guided the pupils through the factory and told us about the different departments and the different professions. In this loop, five stations were located where the pupils met additional ESBE employees who told them about their jobs and their departments. In connection with these stations, Ölmestadskolan’s pupils were also given a small task that was a sort of a try out for the work of the various departments.”
That sounds exciting! But do the pupils really dare to ask questions?
“Of course, it’s very varied, how talkative the pupils are, but they do not come completely unprepared. Some of the guides / station hosts previously visited the school and gave a presentation of ESBE as a company and also told about what professions you might expect to meet.”
Facts about SKAL
For several years, ESBE has been collaborating with the primary schools in the municipality of Gislaved. The collaboration is called SKAL, which is an abbreviation of School and Working Life (Skola och Arbetsliv in Swedish). Every year we welcome school classes.