
Collaboration is the key to a successful internship. Adel Katta shares his experience as a student intern at ESBE.


Adel Katta brings valuable knowledge from his electrical engineering studies at Halmstad University. With support and feedback from experienced engineers at ESBE’s Technology Center in Reftele, he has developed a testing environment for a new ESBE product.




“Our diverse perspectives and experiences provide unique opportunities to find solutions that are both smart and sustainable”, says Kahlid Obaid, an engineer at ESBE who served as Adel’s supervisor during the internship.
Adel Katta describes the experience as challenging but enriching, gaining new experiences and knowledge during his time at ESBE.

„Változatos nézőpontjaink és tapasztalataink egyedülálló lehetőségeket kínálnak arra, hogy intelligens és fenntartható megoldásokat találjunk” – mondja Kahlid Obaid, az ESBE mérnöke, aki Adelt felügyelte a szakmai gyakorlat során.

Adel Katta elmondása szerint kihívást jelentett számára a szakmai gyakorlat, de számos új tapasztalatot és ismeretet szerzett az ESBE-nél töltött ideje alatt.

„Sokat lehet tanulni, és a fejlesztési osztályon dolgozók is nagyszerű támogatást nyújtanak. Hasznát vettem az egyetemen tanult alapvető ismereteknek is, például az elektronikai programozási nyelveknek. A hibáiból is tanul az ember. Egy új és meglehetősen drága teszteszköz például véletlenül működésképtelenné vált, és újat kellett rendelnem. Az adott pillanatban nem örültem neki, de visszatekintve már csak nevetek rajta. Legalábbis a barátaim mulatságosnak találták, amikor elmeséltem nekik…

Adel, aki villamosmérnöknek tanul a Halmstadi Egyetemen, úgy döntött, hogy gyakornoknak jelentkezik az ESBE fejlesztési osztályán, Reftelében. Az energiahatékony megoldásokra, az intelligens elektromos infrastruktúrára és a fenntarthatóságra összpontosító program rendkívül értékes szakértelmet nyújt. A több mint 20 mérnöki és laboratóriumi pozíciót kínáló ESBE technológiai központ gyakran szembesül kihívásokkal, amikor megfelelő készségekkel rendelkező munkatársat keres az új állások betöltésére.


Adel’s task was to develop a testing system for ESBE’s SLx products


Kahlid Obaid, an engineer at ESBE, alongside Adel Katta, a student studying electrical engineering.


ESBE offers a wide range of products based on intelligent electronics, designed to create energy-smart solutions for heating, cooling, and tap water systems. Adel’s task was to develop a testing system for ESBE’s SLx products, an innovative series of control valves that interact with a fixed actuator. A new technical platform allows easy customization based on customer preferences when installed in devices like heat pumps.

Why did you decide to intern at ESBE?

“ESBE was one of the recommended companies on the university’s website for internships, and it sounded like an interesting and unique company.”

Have you had the opportunity to do a lot on your own, or has it been more of a “see and learn” experience?

“I’ve had to research a lot on my own and absorb what I need to progress in the project. I’ve also received a lot of explanations and support from my supervisors when encountering things, I don’t understand. It’s been very challenging, but I’ve learned a lot. Working on a real project for the company has been enjoyable, and it’s exciting to see the progress I’ve made in my work.

Adel Katta and parts of the testing system for ESBE SLx.



Adel also received guidance from engineers Maria Catoni and Daniel Engblom.

Adel is testing the cone position inside the SLx valve; in simpler terms, the test aims to ensure that the cone moves correctly. The entire SLx platform is unique with its short travel time, meaning less time for the cone to reach the correct position, thus reducing the time to achieve the right water temperature. The SLx valve is small, compact, and stylish on the outside, while the inside is designed for exceptionally efficient flow characteristics, especially when regulating small flows or lower energy requirements. It’s the interior that matters, so they must always be tested to ensure functionality!

Adel, can you see yourself working at ESBE in 10 years?

“I imagine I’ll be working on something similar in 10 years, but not in Reftele since I want to live in Malmö. However, ESBE is definitely a workplace I recommend for both recent graduates and experienced professionals.”
We at ESBE wish you the best in the future, Adel! If you change your mind and want to work with us, just contact HR, and we’ll gladly receive your application

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High concentration from Adel Katta and his supervisors Maria Catoni, Daniel Engblom, and Kahlid Obaid.