Thermal safety valve


  • Excellent safety for solid fuel boilers.
  • Two independant temperature sensors.
  • Metal hose coating of the capillary tubes.

The series VST200 prevents excess temperatures in solid fuel fired boilers. Heating capacities of up to a maximum of 100 kW are allowed for these systems. The thermal safety valve is a pressure-relieved single-seated valve that opens in case of escalating temperature. Install the thermal safety valve preferably in the cold water inlet of the safety heat exchanger.

Product range

VST212, Internal thread

VST200 valve_A-01.png
VST200 immersion_A-01.png Reference DN Opening temperature [⁰C] Relief capacity [m³/h] Connection A Connection B C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] F [mm] Weight [kg]
36028000 VST212 20 95 ± 3 1,35 G ¾" G ½" 60 34,5 67,1 157,5 0,65
Installation support

Installation examples

Installation examples


Technical data

Technical data

Pressure class: PN 10
Boiler heat capacity, max.: 100 kW
Length of capillary tube: 1,3 m
Temperature - sensor, max.: +125 °C
Opening temperature - sensor: 95°C ± 3°C
Connections, Valve: Internal thread (G), ISO 228/1
Connections, Immersion pocket: External thread (G), ISO 228/1
Material, Valve housing and other metal parts with fluid contact: Brass, CW 617N - DIN 12164/5
Made for ESBE by IMT
Acc. to standard EN 14597-2, VdTÜV-Merkblatt
PED 2014/68/EU, article 4.3
Download area

Download area

Type Preview Download
Data Sheet VST200 download
Installation instruction VST200 download
Certificate Declaration of Conformity, VST200 download
Certificate Building Product Declaration BPD3, VST200 download
Image VST212, high res download
2D Image VST200 download
2D Image Immersion pocket download
3D drawing (stp file) VST212, DN20 download