
Jonny Hedström has worked at ESBE for 7 years and still enjoys it just as much. - The company culture at ESBE is good, open and friendly which I feel is very important!", says Jonny. In this article, we will join Jonny on a glimpse into everyday life at ESBE and see what makes ESBE a workplace focused on community, development, and well-being.





What makes a company attractive? When employees enjoy themselves and spread the word that they like their employer and their culture, it creates ripples in the water, and the company becomes a more attractive employer. The culture and values are the soul of the company and for ESBE it has been well established since 1906.
When Jonny Hedström visited ESBE for the first time, it was during the 100 year celebration itself, in 2006. The entire company held an Open House for the public and when Jonny stepped inside the doors he felt that this is where I want to work! A few years passed, but when he saw the job advertisement where ESBE was looking for personnel for production, he got in touch.

Ambassador - Jonny


And what are you working with at ESBE, Jonny??

-    I work as an assembler. In the department where I work most of the time, we manufacture valves. They are a bit larger in size and made of cast iron. For example, series 3F and 4F. I assemble the different components. It's important to do this in the right order, in the correct way, and at a good pace. So that both I feel good and my Team Leader is satisfied, says Jonny and smiles.





How did you find ESBE?

-    It was during the centenary, 2006. My father and I took a trip to Reftele, because we were a little curious about the company. I immediately felt that I wanted to work here. Here it was clean and tidy and it felt like a safe and interesting workplace. I didn't look for a job immediately after the visit, but then I saw a job ad in the newspaper where ESBE was looking for staff. Then I applied, and got the job here!


What does a typical workday look like?

-    In the morning, I always go to our SMART board. There is one on every production department and here I get information about which workstation I should be at during the day and what I should do. We have a system with work rotation to make the work more varied and to prevent strain injuries. 





Is there anything at work that feels challenging right now?

-    When new products are introduced, it is always a challenge to get into the routine of how they should be assembled and packed. The latest was a product called FlexBox, which is large and a bit clumsy to work with. But it's fun to take on new things.  

Is there anything that is fun or that you look forward to at work?

-    I always look forward to the holidays, laughs Jonny, and I appreciate that ESBE offers so much to the employees. There is everything from Halloween parties, bowling and Art Association to lunch serving and paus gymnastics!

What are your best tips for succeeding and enjoying yourself for so long in a workplace?

-    It is important to help each other, to always try to do your best and to strive for good camaraderie at work. The corporate culture at ESBE is good, open and friendly, which I feel is very important! I experience ESBE as a responsible employer, who cares about its employees. 

 Do you have a funny memory from ESBE that you can share?

-    For a few years I was a board member of ESBE's art association. There I managed to invite the artist Peter Wahlbeck to Reftele. The entire board of the Art Association and Peter met in our lunch room, where we offered him cookies and buns. We sat down and talked about everything possible. Then he showed us his artwork and told us about it. The meeting felt a bit surreal since he was an idol for me when I was a child.
During the years that Jonny has worked at ESBE, investments have been made in both new machines and production space. Jonny thinks that in 10 years ESBE will still be in Reftele, then with even larger premises, more machines and more new products. Jonny will stay for a few years too, if he gets to decide!




We want to keep you!
Thanks for the chat, Jonny 😊

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