
Tired of all the talk about sustainability? Sustainability is a broad and comprehensive concept that can be interpreted in many ways, but the topic affects us all. The understanding of what is important is often good. The big challenge and difficulty lie in how we should proceed to make a real difference! What have we at ESBE done to get closer to the UN's set goals?


ESBE's work for long-term sustainable development is based on the UN's global goals. Our ambition is to reduce the impact of our operations while being a leading and driving force for a green shift in our industry. We invest heavily in innovation and product development for energy savings. But for us, sustainability is also very much about a way of being and acting.


Highest possible customer value - lowest possible resource utilisation

The most critical challenge for all businesses is how to deliver the greatest possible customer value with the least possible use of resources. For this we are constantly looking for new ways, here are a few examples:
●    In 2023, the lighting in several production halls was replaced, which is estimated to save approximately 250,000 kWh of energy annually. This corresponds to a reduction of as much as 8.7% compared to the company's total electricity demand in 2023.
●    Since autumn 2023, ESBE has had completely fossil-free heating of the premises in Reftele.
●    Water consumption for functional testing of products in production was approximately 90 m3 (CBM) in 2023. This amount will be reduced considerably from autumn 2023 as the company now tests its products in closed systems that reuse the water or alternatively use test methods using compressed air. The company's total water consumption in 2023 was 1952 m3 (CBM), which can be compared with 4369 m3 in 2016.
●    CEO Peter Cerny summarises some of this for 2023 >>



A sustainable working life

At ESBE, work is underway to create a sustainable working life for employees with several goals in health, safety, education, justice and equality. Examples:
●    The entire company has been able to take part in a lecture on the subject of "feeling good."
●    We have opportunities to take part in group training with a Personal Trainer at the company gym.
●    We received the award "Career Company of the Year 2024", which we are incredibly proud of. In the motivation for the award, we are recognized as a company that promotes a work culture that encourages growth and development. Read more >>


●    An action plan for soil remediation of old pollution on the factory site is ongoing.
●    A smarter logistics network is a priority area to further reduce the company's general environmental impact.
●    Our core value of Care is expressed, for example, through our involvement in projects that benefit the development of the local community and businesses. An illustrative example is our involvement in the project SKAL, which aims to improve cooperation between school and working life.
Find out more about the project SKAL at ESBE >>




Balanced sustainability work

Simplified, sustainable development can be described as finding a balance between ecology, economy and society. Whether you are an employee, customer, partner, or just generally curious about ESBE's sustainable development, it is summarised in our Sustainability report for 2023. The report is published digitally and includes operations in Sweden.

Related links

About the sustainabilty work at ESBE >>

ESBE’s sustainability philosophy >>

Focus on energy savings >>
